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Sci Data ; 11(1): 330, 2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38570515


Variations in color and texture of histopathology images are caused by differences in staining conditions and imaging devices between hospitals. These biases decrease the robustness of machine learning models exposed to out-of-domain data. To address this issue, we introduce a comprehensive histopathology image dataset named PathoLogy Images of Scanners and Mobile phones (PLISM). The dataset consisted of 46 human tissue types stained using 13 hematoxylin and eosin conditions and captured using 13 imaging devices. Precisely aligned image patches from different domains allowed for an accurate evaluation of color and texture properties in each domain. Variation in PLISM was assessed and found to be significantly diverse across various domains, particularly between whole-slide images and smartphones. Furthermore, we assessed the improvement in domain shift using a convolutional neural network pre-trained on PLISM. PLISM is a valuable resource that facilitates the precise evaluation of domain shifts in digital pathology and makes significant contributions towards the development of robust machine learning models that can effectively address challenges of domain shift in histological image analysis.

Técnicas Histológicas , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Aprendizado de Máquina , Redes Neurais de Computação , Coloração e Rotulagem , Humanos , Amarelo de Eosina-(YS) , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 59-64, feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528831


Las terminologías son utilizadas como instrumento lingüístico que permite la transmisión de conocimiento de manera precisa y sin ambigüedades en el ámbito de las ciencias. Los lineamientos de la Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT) refieren que la denominación de nombres estructurales debe ser descriptivos e informativos. Este estudio analiza las raíces lingüísticas que componen el término Neuron parvum valde fluorescens vigente en Terminologia Histologica y el término Neuron parvum fluorescens vigente en Terminologia Neuroanatomica. Las células pequeñas intensamente fluorescentes son neuronas que se encuentran en el sistema nervioso autónomo, distribuidas en los ganglios simpáticos. Estas células presentan sinapsis aferentes con terminales nerviosas simpáticas preganglionares y sinapsis eferentes con las dendritas de las neuronas posganglionares. Su función es regular la transmisión ganglionar, actuando como interneuronas con señalización paracrina y endocrina. Además, se caracterizan por ser células fluorescentes, que expresan catecolaminas; serotonina, noradrenalina y dopamina. Se realizó una búsqueda en Terminologia Histologica y Terminologia Neuroanatomica, con una traducción de los términos al español. Además, la búsqueda se complementó en un diccionario etimológico en inglés para los términos correspondientes. Esta investigación encontró diferencia entre la traducción del latín al español del término fluorescens, quien posee un origen etimológico muy diferente a su significado en español. El término Neuron parvum valde fluorescens en Terminologia Histologica y el término Neuron parvum fluorescens en Terminologia Neuroanatomica, identifican a la misma estructura. Se sugiere reemplazar ambos términos por Cateconeuron ganglionare, entregando así una correcta descripción de este tipo de neurona, considerando su ubicación y función. Además, de esta manera ser un término concordante en latín para su incorporación en Terminologia Neuroanatomica y Terminologia Histologica.

SUMMARY: Terminologies are used as a linguistic tool to convey knowledge in a precise and unambiguous manner in science. The guidelines of the Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT) state that the names given to structures should be both descriptive and informative. This study analyses the linguistic roots of the term Neuron parvum valde fluorescens in Terminologia Histologica and the term Neuron parvum fluorescens in Terminologia Neuroanatomica. Small intensely fluorescent cells are neurons found in the autonomic nervous system, distributed in the sympathetic ganglia, they have afferent synapses with preganglionic sympathetic nerve terminals and efferent synapses with the dendrites of postganglionic neurons, whose function is to regulate ganglionic transmission, acting as interneurons with paracrine and endocrine signalling. They are also characterized as fluorescent cells, producing the catecholamines: serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. A search was carried out in Terminologia Histologica and Terminologia Neuroanatomica, with a translation of the terms into Spanish. This was complemented by a search in an English etymological dictionary for the corresponding terms. This research found a difference between the Latin to English translation of the term fluorescens, which has a very different etymological origin to its English meaning. The term Neuron parvum valde fluorescens in Terminologia Histologica and the term Neuron parvum fluorescens in Terminologia Neuroanatomica identify the same structure. The proposal is to replace both terms with Cateconeuron ganglionare, thus affording an accurate description of this type of neuron, considering its location and function. Moreover, it would also be a concordant term in Latin for its incorporation into the Terminologia Neuroanatomica and Terminologia Histologica.

Humanos , Gânglios Simpáticos/citologia , Histologia , Neuroanatomia , Terminologia como Assunto
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 64-69, 20240102. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526806


Introducción. El melanoma es la proliferación maligna de melanocitos asociado a un comportamiento agresivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las variables histológicas del melanoma cutáneo. Métodos. Estudio observacional retrospectivo, transversal descriptivo, realizado con reportes de patologías de pacientes con diagnóstico de melanoma cutáneo en un laboratorio de patología en Cali, Colombia, entre 2016-2021. Se incluyeron las variables edad, sexo, localización, subtipo, espesor de Breslow, ulceración, márgenes, mitosis, invasión linfovascular, neurotrofismo, regresión tumoral, nivel de Clark e infiltración tumoral por linfocitos. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 106 reportes y fueron excluidos 54 por duplicación. Se incluyeron 52 registros, la media de edad fue de 61 años, con una mayor frecuencia de mujeres (55,8 %). De los 33 casos donde se especificó el subtipo histológico, el más frecuente fue el de extensión superficial (66,6 %), seguido del acral lentiginoso (18,1 %) y nodular con (15,2 %). La localización más frecuente fue en extremidades (61,5 %). El espesor de Breslow más común fue IV (34,6 %) y el nivel de Clark más frecuente fue IV (34,6 %). La ulceración estuvo en el 40,4 %. El subtipo nodular fue el de presentación más agresiva, donde el 100 % presentaron espesor de Breslow IV. Conclusiones. El subtipo de melanoma más común en nuestra población fue el de extensión superficial; el segundo en frecuencia fue el subtipo acral lentiginoso, que se localizó siempre en extremidades. Más del 50 % de los melanomas tenían espesor de Breslow mayor o igual a III, lo que impacta en el pronóstico.

Background. Melanoma is the malignant proliferation of melanocytes associated with aggressive behavior. The objective of this study was to determine the histological variables of cutaneous melanoma. Methods. Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive, retrospective study carried out with reports of pathologies with a diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma in a pathology laboratory in Cali between 2016-2021. The variables were age, sex, location, subtype, Breslow thickness, ulceration, margins, mitosis, lymphovascular invasion, neurotropism, tumoral regression, Clark level and tumor infiltration by lymphocytes. Results. One hundred and six reports were obtained and 54 were excluded due to duplication. A descriptive analysis was made on the 52 records that were included, the mean age was 61 years, with a higher frequency in women with 55.8%. Of the 33 cases where the histological subtype was specified, the most frequent was superficial extension with 66.6%, followed by acral lentiginous with 18.1% and nodular with 15.2%. The most frequent location was in the extremities (61.5%); the most common Breslow was IV (34.6%), and the most frequent Clark was IV (34.6%). Ulceration was in 40.4%. The nodular subtype was the most aggressive presentation where 100% presented Breslow IV. Conclusions. The most common subtype of melanoma was that of superficial extension. In our population, the second most frequent was the acral lentiginous subtype, which was always located on the extremities. More than 50% of the melanomas had Breslow greater than or equal to III, which affects the prognosis.

Humanos , Patologia , Melanoma , Estadiamento de Neoplasias , Gradação de Tumores , Histologia , Mitose
Anat Sci Educ ; 17(2): 274-286, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38158384


All anatomical educators hope that students apply past training to both similar and new tasks. This two-group longitudinal study investigated the development of such transfer of learning in a histology course. After 0, 10, and 20 sessions of the 10-week-long course, medical students completed theoretical tasks, examined histological slides trained in the course (retention task), and unfamiliar histological slides (transfer task). The results showed that students in the histology group gradually outperformed the control group in all tasks, especially in the second half of the course, η2 = 0.268 (p < 0.001). The best predictor of final transfer performance was students' retention performance after 10 sessions, ß = 0.32 (p = 0.028), and theoretical knowledge after 20 sessions, ß = 0.46 (p = 0.003). Results of eye tracking methodology further revealed that the histology group engaged in greater "visual activity" when solving transfer tasks, as indicated by an increase in the total fixation count, η2 = 0.103 (p = 0.014). This longitudinal study provides evidence that medical students can use what they learn in histology courses to solve unfamiliar problems but cautions that positive transfer effects develop relatively late in the course. Thus, course time and the complex relationship between theory, retention, and transfer holds critical implications for anatomical curricula seeking to foster the transfer of learning.

Anatomia , Histologia , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Transferência de Experiência , Estudos Longitudinais , Anatomia/educação , Aprendizagem , Currículo , Histologia/educação
Bol. pediatr ; 64(267): 16-20, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232572


Introducción: La esofagitis eosinofílica es una enfermedad inmunomediada, crónica y progresiva, combinando disfunción esofágica e infiltrado eosinofílico exclusivo del esófago. Tanto su diagnóstico como su respuesta a los tratamientos requieren de evaluación histológica mediante endoscopias repetidas. Caso clínico. Varón de 11 años con disfagia para sólidos de años de evolución con empeoramiento en los últimos meses; angustia ante las ingestas con estancamiento ponderal; vómitos en impactaciones alimentarias; pirosis postprandial. Antecedentes patológicos: broncoespasmos de repetición y sensibilización a Alternaria. Exploración física: signos de hipotrofia pondero-estatural (somatometría: alrededor de –2 desviaciones estándares; Carrascosa 2017). Pruebas complementarias: analítica general sin alteraciones significativas incluyendo inmunoglobulinas E específicas alimentarias; prick test sensibilización a neumoalérgenos; gastroscopia mucosa esofágica edematosa, estrías longitudinales y exudados blanquecinos, mucosa gástrica signos de gastritis, mucosa duodenal normal; histología con un máximo 35 eosinófilos por campos de gran aumento y gastritis crónica leve-moderada con infección por Helicobacter pylori. Tratamiento y evolución: inducción a la remisión con inhibidores bomba de protones a dosis altas con buena respuesta clínica y macroscópica (parcial histológica), reduciendo a dosis de mantenimiento; ante recaída macroscópica (no histológica) se cambia a dieta exenta de leche y gluten sin respuesta; segundo intento de remisión con inhibidores sin éxito; finalmente se pautan corticoides deglutidos con buena respuesta tanto macroscópica como histológica; pendiente control con dosis de mantenimiento, asintomático. Comentarios. Como se aprecia en nuestro caso, esta enfermedad conlleva un difícil manejo ante la afectación parcheada de la mucosa y la discordancia clínico-histológica, lo que complica la interpretación de sus resultados.(AU)

Introduction: Eosinophilic esophagitis is an immunemediated, chronic and progressive disease, combining esophageal dysfunction and eosinophilic infiltrate exclusive to the esophagus. Both its diagnosis and its response to treatments require histological evaluation through repeated endoscopies. Case report. 11-year-old male with dysphagia for solids of years of evolution with worsening in recent months; anxiety before eating with weight stagnation; vomiting in food impactions; postprandial heartburn. Pathological history: repeated bronchospasms and sensitization to Alternaria. Physical examination: signs of weight-height hypotrophy (somatometry: around –2 standard deviations; Carrascosa 2017). Complementary tests: general blood test without significant alterations including food-specific immunoglobulins E; prick test sensitization to pneumoallergens; gastroscopy edematous esophageal mucosa, longitudinal furrows and whitish exudates, gastric mucosa signs of gastritis, normal duodenal mucosa; histology with a maximum of 35 eosinophils per high-power fields and mild-moderate chronic gastritis with Helicobacter pylori infection. Treatment and evolution: induction of remission with high-dose proton pump inhibitors with good clinical and macroscopic response (partial histological), reducing to maintenance doses; In the event of a macroscopic (non-histological) relapse, a diet free of milk and gluten is started without response; second attempt at remission with inhibitors without success; finally, swallowed corticosteroids are prescribed with good macroscopic and histological response; pending control with maintenance dose, asymptomatic. Discussion. Like our case shows, this disease has a difficult management due to patchy involvement of the mucosa and clinical-histological discordance, which complicates the interpretation of its results.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Esofagite Eosinofílica/diagnóstico , Esofagite Eosinofílica/tratamento farmacológico , Histologia , Transtornos de Deglutição , Pediatria , Endoscopia
An. pediatr. (2003. Ed. impr.) ; 99(5): 304-311, Nov. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-227240


Introducción: El objetivo fue evaluar la concordancia entre las pruebas de imagen, la ecografía prenatal y la TC posnatal empleadas en el diagnóstico de malformaciones pulmonares congénitas (MPC) y el estudio anatomopatológico (AP).Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes diagnosticados prenatalmente de MPC en los que se realizó seguimiento posnatal incluyendo una TC y un estudio AP de la lesión. Las variables estudiadas incluyeron: datos demográficos, edad gestacional al diagnóstico, hallazgos ecográficos y existencia de gestación múltiple. Utilizamos el coeficiente estadístico Kappa para establecer la concordancia entre la ecografía y las pruebas postnatales (TC y AP). Se analizaron de forma pareada la presencia de lesiones, la localización, el tipo y el tamaño, y la presencia de vascularización sistémica.Resultados: Se incluyeron 56 pacientes con 57 lesiones. La edad gestacional media al diagnóstico fue 22,42±3,94 semanas y el 57% fueron varones. El pulmón izquierdo y los lóbulos inferiores fueron los más afectados. La concordancia entre TC y AP en la detección de lesiones quísticas fue moderada (Kappa=0,55) pero más relevante que la detectada entre ecografía y AP (Kappa=0,10), siendo discreta entre ambas pruebas de imagen. La concordancia TC/AP fue sustancial (Kappa=0,66) en la detección de vascularización sistémica de la lesión y superior a la determinada entre ecografía y AP. Ambas pruebas de imagen demostraron una precisión muy buena en la identificación de la localización de las lesiones.Conclusiones: La TC posnatal ofrece una concordancia sustancial con el estudio histológico, especialmente en la detección de vascularización, y nos aporta datos predecibles sobre la anatomía de la lesión.(AU)

Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of imaging tests (prenatal ultrasound [US] and postnatal computed tomography [CT]) in comparison to histology for diagnosis of congenital lung malformations (CLMs).Material and methods: Retrospective study of patients with a prenatal diagnosis of CLM whose postnatal followup included thoracic CT scan and histological examination of the lesion. We collected data on demographic variables, gestational age at diagnosis, US findings and the history of multiple gestation. We used the kappa coefficient to determine the level of agreement between the findings of prenatal US and postnatal tests (CT and histology). We analysed paired data on the size of the lesion, its location and the presence or absence of systemic arterial vascularization.Results: The sample included 56 patients with 57 lesions. The mean gestational age at diagnosis was 22.42 weeks (SD, 3.94) and 57% were male. Malformations most frequently involved the left lung and the lower lobes. The agreement between CT and histology in the detection of cystic lesions was moderate (κ=.55) but stronger compared to the agreement between US and histology (κ=.10). The agreement between CT and histology was substantial (κ=.66) in the detection of systemic vascularization of the lesion and stronger compared to the agreement between US and histology. Both imaging methods were highly accurate in the identification of the location of the pulmonary lesions.Conclusions: Postnatal CT offers a substantial concordance with histological findings, especially in the detection of systemic vascularization, and an accurate prediction of the anatomy of the lesion.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal , Diagnóstico por Imagem , Anormalidades Congênitas , Anormalidades do Sistema Respiratório , Histologia , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pediatria , Idade Gestacional , Lesão Pulmonar
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(3): 315-322, sept. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533942


Introduction. Over time, efforts have been invested in the design of new instruments that overcome the disadvantages of the gold standard instrument in surgery, the scalpel. As a result, electronic equipment has emerged such as the electric scalpel and laser devices. The available evidence on these instruments suggests that the tissue response is related to each instrument's physical and biological cutting principles. Objective. To compare the histological changes in gingiva samples associated with surgical cutting performed with a 940 nm diode laser, a 2780 nm erbium, chromium: yttriumscandium-gallium-garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser, and an electric scalpel, by presenting a series of cases. Case presentation. We present three cases of healthy patients undergoing cosmetic surgery. The clinical examination revealed exposure of a keratinized gingiva band greater than 4 mm, normal color and texture in gingival tissue, with a firm consistency and no bleeding on periodontal probing. Gingivectomy was indicated with the following protocols: Diode laser of 940 nm at 1 W, in continuous mode; Er,Cr:YSGG laser of 2780 nm at 2.5 W, 75 Hz, H mode, air 20, water 40, gold tip MT4); and electric scalpel in cutting mode at power level four. Gingival tissue samples were taken and stored in 10% formaldehyde for histological analysis. Conclusion. All the evaluated cutting instruments generated histological changes produced by the thermal effect, the main ones being collagen coagulation and carbonization. The depth of thermal damage caused by the 2780 nm Er,Cr:YSGG laser was much lesser than that induced by the electric scalpel and the 940 nm diode laser.

Introducción. Históricamente se ha invertido esfuerzo en el diseño de nuevos instrumentos que superen las desventajas del estándar de referencia en cirugía, el bisturí. Como consecuencia de esto, han surgido equipos electrónicos como el electrobisturí y los diferentes dispositivos de tecnología láser. La información disponible sobre estos instrumentos sugiere que la respuesta del tejido intervenido está influenciada por los principios físicos y biológicos de corte del instrumento. Objetivo. Comparar los cambios histológicos en muestras de encía asociados al corte quirúrgico realizado con láser de diodo de 940 nm, láser de erbio, cromo: itrio-escandio-galio-granate (Er,Cr:YSGG) (2780nm) y electrobisturí mediante una presentación de serie de casos. Presentación de los casos. Se presentan tres casos de pacientes sanos sometidos a cirugía estética. El examen clínico reveló la exposición de una banda gingival queratinizada mayor de 4 mm, tejido gingival de color y textura normales, de consistencia firme y sin sangrado al sondaje periodontal. Se indicó gingivectomía con los siguientes protocolos: láser de diodo de 940 nm a 1 W, en modo continuo; láser de Er,Cr:YSGG de 2780 nm a 2,5 W, 75 Hz, modo H, aire 20, agua 40, punta de oro MT4; y bisturí eléctrico en modo de corte, a nivel de potencia cuatro. Se tomaron muestras de tejido gingival y se almacenaron en formaldehído al 10 % para su análisis histológico. Conclusión. Los tres instrumentos de corte generaron cambios histológicos producidos por el efecto térmico; los principales fueron coagulación del colágeno y carbonización. La profundización del daño térmico causada por el láser de Er,Cr:YSGG de 2780 nm fue mucho menor que la generada por el electrobisturí y por el láser de diodo de 940 nm.

Gengivectomia , Artefatos , Lasers Semicondutores , Lasers de Estado Sólido , Histologia
Rev. Fund. Educ. Méd. (Ed. impr.) ; 26(4): 159-166, Agos. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229767


Introducción:Las metodologías activas tienen como protagonista al estudiante y, al ser enriquecidas con las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, optimizan el aprendizaje activo, la participación y el trabajo colaborativo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar la percepción de la satisfacción de los estudiantes de segundo año de Medicina y Tecnología Médica frente a la implementación de metodologías activas para el aprendizaje de la histología. Sujetos y métodos:Se utilizó un diseño cuantitativo, de corte transversal, descriptivo-comparativo. La percepción de los estudiantes se obtuvo a través de la aplicación de un cuestionario de satisfacción sobre metodologías activas, como el atlas digital y el póster científico, que incluyó cuatro dimensiones: metodología, atmósfera de aprendizaje, autorregulación y evaluación. Resultados:Las puntuaciones promedio obtenidas en cada dimensión fueron: metodología, media = 4,29; atmósfera de aprendizaje, media = 4,46; autorregulación, media = 4,37; y evaluación, media = 4,31, equivalentes a un porcentaje de satisfacción del 87,6, el 91,2, el 88,5 y el 83,7%, respectivamente. Las mejores percepciones se obtuvieron de los estudiantes de la carrera de Tecnología Médica. Conclusión:Los estudiantes percibieron positivamente las metodologías activas en beneficio de su aprendizaje en histología. Este tipo de metodologías favoreció principalmente la percepción de un buen ambiente para el aprendizaje y el logro de la autorregulación.(AU)

Introduction: Active methodologies have the student as their protagonist and, when enriched with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), optimize active learning, participation and collaborative work. The objective of this work was to identify the perception of satisfaction of second-year students of medicine and medical technology, regarding the implementation of active methodologies for learning histology. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive-comparative quantitative design was used. The perception of the students was obtained through the application of a satisfaction questionnaire on active methodologies such as digital atlas and scientific poster, which included 4 dimensions: methodology, learning atmosphere, self-regulation and evaluation. Results: The average scores obtained in each dimension were: methodology M = 4.29, learning atmosphere M = 4.46, self-regulation M = 4.37 and evaluation M = 4.31, equivalent to a percentage of satisfaction of 87.6%, 91.2%, 88.5% and 83.7%, respectively. The best perceptions were obtained from the students of the medical technology career. Conclusion: The students positively perceived the active methodologies for the benefit of their learning in histology. This type of methodologies mainly favored the perception of a good environment for learning and the achievement of self-regulation.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estudantes de Medicina , Técnicas Histológicas , Tecnologia da Informação , Educação/métodos , Atlas como Assunto , Ciências da Saúde/educação , Educação Médica , Histologia , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Inquéritos e Questionários
Acta Neuropathol ; 146(3): 527-541, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37450044


Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (AT/RT) are the most common malignant brain tumors manifesting in infancy. They split into four molecular types. The major three (AT/RT-SHH, AT/RT-TYR, and AT/RT-MYC) all carry mutations in SMARCB1, the fourth quantitatively smaller type is characterized by SMARCA4 mutations (AT/RT-SMARCA4). Molecular characteristics of disease recurrence or metastatic spread, which go along with a particularly dismal outcome, are currently unclear. Here, we investigated tumor tissue from 26 patients affected by AT/RT to identify signatures of recurrences in comparison with matched primary tumor samples. Microscopically, AT/RT recurrences demonstrated a loss of architecture and significantly enhanced mitotic activity as compared to their related primary tumors. Based on DNA methylation profiling, primary tumor and related recurrence were grossly similar, but three out of 26 tumors belonged to a different molecular type or subtype after second surgery compared to related primary lesions. Copy number variations (CNVs) differed in six cases, showing novel gains on chromosome 1q or losses of chromosome 10 in recurrences as the most frequent alterations. To consolidate these observations, our cohort was combined with a data set of unmatched primary and recurrent AT/RT, which demonstrated chromosome 1q gain and 10 loss in 18% (n = 7) and 11% (n = 4) of the recurrences (n = 38) as compared to 7% (n = 3) and 0% (n = 0) in the primary tumors (n = 44), respectively. Similar to the observations made by DNA methylation profiling, RNA sequencing of our cohort revealed AT/RT primary tumors and matched recurrences clustering closely together. However, a number of genes showed significantly altered expression in AT/RT-SHH recurrences. Many of them are known tumor driving growth factors, involved in embryonal development and tumorigenesis, or are cell-cycle-associated. Overall, our work identifies subtle molecular changes that occur in the course of the disease and that may help define novel therapeutic targets for AT/RT recurrences.

Variações do Número de Cópias de DNA , Progressão da Doença , Epigênese Genética , Perfilação da Expressão Gênica , Recidiva , Tumor Rabdoide , Teratoma , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Cromossomos Humanos Par 1/genética , Cromossomos Humanos Par 10/genética , Estudos de Coortes , Células Dendríticas , Variações do Número de Cópias de DNA/genética , Metilação de DNA , Histologia , Mitose , Tumor Rabdoide/classificação , Tumor Rabdoide/genética , Tumor Rabdoide/imunologia , Tumor Rabdoide/patologia , Análise de Sequência de RNA , Teratoma/classificação , Teratoma/genética , Teratoma/imunologia , Teratoma/patologia , Fatores de Transcrição/genética , Regulação Neoplásica da Expressão Gênica/genética
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 965-970, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514308


En Terminologia Histologica y Terminologia Neuroanatomica está registrado el término Substantia chromatophilica de origen grecolatino, con los códigos H2. y 78, respectivamente. Dicho término ha sido empleado para referirse a un conglomerado de estructuras que en unión fungen como maquinaria de síntesis proteica y que son característicos de las células nerviosas. Teniendo en cuenta los lineamientos de la Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT) referentes a la denominación de nombres estructurales con un valor descriptivo e informativo, creemos que el término en cuestión no es el más adecuado. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar y evaluar la concordancia de las raíces grecolatinas que componen el término. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en el Diccionario de la lengua española, Diccionario de Términos Médicos, diccionario VOX Griego-Español y el diccionario VOX Ilustrado Latino-Español Español-Latino. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la palabra chromatophilica no presenta registro en español, sin embargo, sus sinónimos hacen referencia a material biológico afín por los colorantes. En base a lo anterior, proponemos el término Ribocumulus corponeuralis en función de su estructura y ubicación, en reemplazo de Substantia chromatophilica.

SUMMARY: In Terminologia Histologica and Terminologia Neuroanatomica the term Substantia chromatophilica of Greco-Latin origin is registered with the codes H2. and 78, respectively. This term has been used to refer to a conglomerate of structures that together function as protein synthesis machinery and are characteristic of nerve cells. Considering the guidelines of the Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT) regarding the denomination of structural names with a descriptive and informative value, we believe that the term in question is not the most appropriate. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze and evaluate the concordance of the Greco-Latin roots that compose the term. For this purpose, a search was conducted in the Diccionario de la Lengua Española, Diccionario de Términos Médicos, Diccionario VOX Griego-Español and the Diccionario VOX Ilustrado Latino-Español Español-Latino. The results obtained indicate that the word chromatophilica is not registered in Spanish, however, its synonyms refer to biological material related to dyes. Based on the aforementioned, we propose the term Ribocumulus corponeuralis based on its structure and location, as a replacement for Substantia chromatophilica.

Histologia , Neuroanatomia , Corpos de Nissl , Terminologia como Assunto
IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(9): 11008-11023, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37097802


Histopathological Whole Slide Images (WSIs) play a crucial role in cancer diagnosis. It is of significant importance for pathologists to search for images sharing similar content with the query WSI, especially in the case-based diagnosis. While slide-level retrieval could be more intuitive and practical in clinical applications, most methods are designed for patch-level retrieval. A few recently unsupervised slide-level methods only focus on integrating patch features directly, without perceiving slide-level information, and thus severely limits the performance of WSI retrieval. To tackle the issue, we propose a High-Order Correlation-Guided Self-Supervised Hashing-Encoding Retrieval (HSHR) method. Specifically, we train an attention-based hash encoder with slide-level representation in a self-supervised manner, enabling it to generate more representative slide-level hash codes of cluster centers and assign weights for each. These optimized and weighted codes are leveraged to establish a similarity-based hypergraph, in which a hypergraph-guided retrieval module is adopted to explore high-order correlations in the multi-pairwise manifold to conduct WSI retrieval. Extensive experiments on multiple TCGA datasets with over 24,000 WSIs spanning 30 cancer subtypes demonstrate that HSHR achieves state-of-the-art performance compared with other unsupervised histology WSI retrieval methods.

Histologia , Reconhecimento Automatizado de Padrão , Aprendizado de Máquina Supervisionado , Algoritmos , Análise por Conglomerados , Conjuntos de Dados como Assunto , Interpretação de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Neoplasias/classificação , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/patologia , Patologia/métodos , Reconhecimento Automatizado de Padrão/métodos , Aprendizado de Máquina não Supervisionado , Humanos
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 600-606, abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440293


SUMMARY: E-learning courses become increasingly important and relevant in medicine and health sciences over the last decade. However, there are few teaching experiences of e-learning histology courses published in the literature worldwide. Moreover, most of these studies focus on the didactic aspects of the course without exploring student participation. The study presented below aimed to validate a scale to measure student participation in an e-learning histology course. We provide evidence of validity of the instrument based on its internal structure for use with medical, nursing, and midwifery students. The participants in this study were a group of 426 Chilean medical, nursing and midwifery students from a public university who completed the questionnaire in two consecutive semesters (2020-2021). Data from the first group of students were used to perform an exploratory factor analysis (EFA), while data from the second group of participants were used to perform a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The three factors identified according to the CFA were: "Habits of online," "Motivation for online learning," and "Interaction of online". After eliminating one of the initial items of the instrument, the scale showed acceptable psychometric properties suggesting that it is a useful instrument to measure students' perception of their participation in e-learning histology courses. The factors identified through the validation of the instrument provide relevant information for teachers and curriculum developers to create and implement different ways of encouraging student participation in e- learning histology courses to support online learning.

Los cursos e-learning han tomado mayor importancia y relevancia durante la ultima década en carreras de medicina y ciencias de la salud. No obstante, existen escasas experiencias docentes de cursos de histologia e-learning publicadas en la literatura mundial. Además, la mayoría de estos estudios se centran en los aspectos didácticos del curso sin explorar la participación de los estudiantes. El estudio que presentamos a continuación tuvo por objetivo validar una escala para medir la participación de los estudiantes en un curso de histología e-learning. Aportamos evidencia de validez del instrumento basada en su estructura interna para su uso con estudiantes de medicina, enfermería y obstetricia. Los participantes de este estudio fueron un grupo de 426 estudiantes chilenos de medicina, enfermería y obstetricia de una universidad pública quienes completaron el cuestionario en dos semestres consecutivos (año 2020-2021). Los datos del primer grupo de estudiantes se utilizaron para realizar un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE), mientras que los datos del segundo grupo de participantes se utilizaron para realizar un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC). Los tres factores identificados según el AFC fueron: "Hábitos de los estudiantes en línea", "Motivación por el aprendizaje en línea", "Interacción de los estudiantes en línea". Luego de la eliminación de uno de los ítems iniciales del instrumento, la escala mostró propiedades psicométricas aceptables sugiriendo que es un instrumento útil para medir la percepción de los estudiantes sobre su participación en cursos de histología en formato e-learning. Los factores identificados mediante la validación del instrumento entregan información relevante para que los profesores y curriculistas desarrollen e implementen diferentes formas de estimular la participación de los estudiantes en cursos de histología e- learning y así apoyar el aprendizaje en formato online.

Humanos , Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde/psicologia , Educação a Distância , Histologia/educação , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise Fatorial , Educação Médica/métodos , Participação Social , Relações Interpessoais
Med Image Anal ; 85: 102743, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36702037


Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic decision-making of cancer in pathology clinics can now be carried out based on analysis of multi-gigapixel tissue images, also known as whole-slide images (WSIs). Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been proposed to derive unsupervised WSI representations; these are attractive as they rely less on expert annotation which is cumbersome. However, a major trade-off is that higher predictive power generally comes at the cost of interpretability, posing a challenge to their clinical use where transparency in decision-making is generally expected. To address this challenge, we present a handcrafted framework based on deep CNN for constructing holistic WSI-level representations. Building on recent findings about the internal working of the Transformer in the domain of natural language processing, we break down its processes and handcraft them into a more transparent framework that we term as the Handcrafted Histological Transformer or H2T. Based on our experiments involving various datasets consisting of a total of 10,042 WSIs, the results demonstrate that H2T based holistic WSI-level representations offer competitive performance compared to recent state-of-the-art methods and can be readily utilized for various downstream analysis tasks. Finally, our results demonstrate that the H2T framework can be up to 14 times faster than the Transformer models.

Histologia , Redes Neurais de Computação , Humanos , Histologia/instrumentação
BMC Med Educ ; 23(1): 74, 2023 Jan 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36717846


BACKGROUND: The continuous changes in the medical education to prepare medical doctors for the future requires updates in medical curriculum. However, the perspectives of the medical students are not frequently considered during the revision of the medical curriculum. In parallel with the process of defining and adjusting the medical curriculum, a large survey was performed to inquire the perspectives of the medical students at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), Portugal, about the role of Histology and of Embryology. METHODS: Medical students at FMUP (Portugal) completed a structured and anonymous online questionnaire about the subjects Histology and Embryology. The questionnaire was prepared using questions of previous surveys performed in Europe, including another Portuguese medical school, and additional questions that were specifically prepared to this study. The questions referred to teaching methods, clinical relevance, use of virtual (digital) microscopes and association of Histology and Embryology with other subjects of the medical curriculum. RESULTS: Four hundred and sixty-two students participated in the study. The students in clinical years were more likely to recognise the clinical relevance of Histology (p = 0.016) and Embryology (p < 0.001). Students agree that teaching of these subjects would benefit from a clinical orientation (89% for Histology; 90% for Embryology). Students highlighted that Histology is crucial to understand Biopathology and agree (75%) that an integration of Histology with Biopathology could be considered in the medical curriculum. Most students (55%) agree that slide microscopes are more useful than virtual microscopes. CONCLUSIONS: Our study contributes to the debate about the evolution of medical curriculum. Gathering the medical students' perceptions using large surveys such as that performed in the present study may be useful to adapt the methods of teaching which may increase the motivation of the students. In the case of Histology and Embryology at the FMUP (Portugal) providing more clinically oriented teaching may be useful to motivate the students. Students of clinical years have strong clinical perspectives of Histology and Embryology and their enrolment in teaching of Histology and Embryology can also contribute to increase motivation of younger students. Consulting and involving medical students in the development of the medical curriculum can be positive and students should be more responsible and engaged in building their own education.

Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Educação Médica , Histologia , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Currículo , Educação Médica/métodos , Escolaridade , Inquéritos e Questionários , Educação de Graduação em Medicina/métodos , Histologia/educação
Acta otorrinolaringol. esp ; 74(1): 15-22, enero 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-213926


Introduction and objectives: Sinonasal adenocarcinomas are rare and heterogeneous tumors and for this reason remain understudied. Our purpose is to analyze clinical presentation, outcomes and factors affecting survival of patients with sinonasal adenocarcinomas, treated at our institution.Material and methodsRetrospective review of clinical records of patients with sinonasal adenocarcinoma, treated at a tertiary oncology institution (January 2010 to December 2019).ResultsSixty patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma were included, with male preponderance (54.90%) and a mean age of 57.5±14.9 years. Adenocarcinoma was the most frequent type of sinonasal cancer, contrary to previous reports from our institution. In most patients, it was detected at an advanced disease stage, significantly decreasing their survival rate when compared to patients diagnosed at initial stages (p<0.029). Intestinal type adenocarcinoma was established in 47 patients, the most frequent being the colonic subtype (24%). Tumors with good/moderate histologic differentiation presented a survival advantage over those that were poorly differentiated (p=0.043). The most common treatment modality was surgery followed by radiotherapy. Endoscopic resection was performed in 53% of the patients and an external approach was used in 40% of the patients. Estimated overall survival rates at 3 and 5-years were 64% and 53%, respectively, and cancer specific survival 72% and 65%, for the same period. Recurrence rate was 32% and occurred mainly locally. Disease Free Survival rate was 71% at 3 years and 65% at 5 years.ConclusionsDespite being the most common sinonasal malignancy in our sample, in contrast to other series, sinonasal adenocarcinomas are still rare tumors with a substantial local failure rate of around 30%. Advanced stage at diagnosis and histologic differentiation grade negatively affected prognosis of these tumors. (AU)

Introducción y objetivos: Los adenocarcinomas sinonasales son tumores raros y heterogéneos y, por esta razón, son poco estudiados. Nuestro objetivo es analizar la presentación clínica, los resultados y los factores que afectan la supervivencia de los pacientes con adenocarcinoma sinonasal tratados en nuestra institución.Material y métodosRevisión retrospectiva de las historias clínicas de los pacientes con adenocarcinoma sinonasal tratados en una institución oncológica terciaria (enero de 2010 a diciembre de 2019).ResultadosSe incluyeron 60 pacientes diagnosticados de adenocarcinoma, con predominio masculino (54,90%) y una edad media de 57,5±14,9años. El adenocarcinoma fue el tipo de tumor sinonasal más frecuente, a diferencia de los informes previos de nuestra institución. En la mayoría de los pacientes se ha diagnosticado en un estadio avanzado de la enfermedad, lo que disminuyó significativamente su tasa de supervivencia en comparación con los pacientes diagnosticados en estadios iniciales (p<0,029). El adenocarcinoma de tipo intestinal se estableció en 47 pacientes, siendo el subtipo colónico el más frecuente (24%). Los tumores con diferenciación histológica buena/moderada presentaron más probabilidad de supervivencia sobre los mal diferenciados (p=0,043). La modalidad de tratamiento más frecuente fue la cirugía, seguida de la radioterapia. La resección endoscópica se realizó en el 53% de los pacientes y el abordaje externo se llevó a cabo en el 40%. Las tasas de supervivencia global estimadas a los 3 y a los 5 años fueron del 64% y del 53%, respectivamente, y la supervivencia específica del cáncer, del 72% y del 65%, para el mismo periodo. La tasa de recurrencia fue del 32% y ha ocurrido principalmente a nivel local. La tasa de supervivencia libre de enfermedad fue del 71% a los 3años y del 65% a los 5 años. (AU)

Humanos , Neoplasias , Neoplasias Nasais , Adenocarcinoma , Histologia , Sobrevivência
Rev. esp. cir. ortop. traumatol. (Ed. impr.) ; 67(1): 21-26, Ene-Feb. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-214345


Antecedentes y objetivo: Diferentes autores han puesto de manifiesto la utilidad del análisis histológico en el diagnóstico de la infección protésica; sin embargo, todavía hoy, su validez clínica es motivo de controversia. El objetivo del presente manuscrito es describir y analizar la validez clínica del análisis histológico en el diagnóstico de infección protésica en el paciente sometido a un recambio protésico de cadera o rodilla. Material y métodos: Se presenta un estudio retrospectivo que incluye 133 recambios protésicos de cadera y rodilla realizados en nuestro centro entre 2008 y 2020. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo, bivariado y se determinó la validez clínica del análisis histológico. Resultados: La validez clínica del análisis histológico ofreció una sensibilidad del 48%, una especificidad del 91%, un valor predictivo positivo del 55% y un valor predictivo negativo del 88%. Conclusiones: La determinación de la validez clínica del análisis histológico pone de manifiesto una especificidad elevada. Dicho análisis supone una herramienta diagnóstica apropiada para detectar pacientes sanos, con ausencia de infección.(AU)

Background and aim: Different authors have demonstrated the usefulness of the histological analysis in the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection; however, its clinical validity is still controversial. The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the clinical validity of histological analysis in the diagnosis of prosthetic infection in patients undergoing hip or knee prosthetic replacement. Material and methods: We present a retrospective study including 133 hip and knee prosthetic replacements performed in our center between 2008 and 2020. A descriptive, bivariate statistical analysis was performed and the clinical validity of the histological analysis was determined. Outcomes: The clinical validity of the intraoperative histology offered a sensitivity of 48%, a specificity of 91%, a positive predictive value of 55% and a negative predictive value of 88%. Conclusions: The determination of the clinical validity of histological analysis shows a high specificity. This analysis is an appropriate diagnostic tool for detecting healthy patients, with no infection.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Histologia , Infecções Relacionadas à Prótese/diagnóstico , Artroplastia de Quadril , Artroplastia do Joelho , Estudos Retrospectivos , Epidemiologia Descritiva
Rev. esp. cir. ortop. traumatol. (Ed. impr.) ; 67(1): T21-T26, Ene-Feb. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-214346


Background and aim: Different authors have demonstrated the usefulness of the histological analysis in the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection; however, its clinical validity is still controversial. The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the clinical validity of histological analysis in the diagnosis of prosthetic infection in patients undergoing hip or knee prosthetic replacement. Material and methods: We present a retrospective study including 133 hip and knee prosthetic replacements performed in our center between 2008 and 2020. A descriptive, bivariate statistical analysis was performed and the clinical validity of the histological analysis was determined. Outcomes: The clinical validity of the intraoperative histology offered a sensitivity of 48%, a specificity of 91%, a positive predictive value of 55% and a negative predictive value of 88%. Conclusions: The determination of the clinical validity of histological analysis shows a high specificity. This analysis is an appropriate diagnostic tool for detecting healthy patients, with no infection.(AU)

Antecedentes y objetivo: Diferentes autores han puesto de manifiesto la utilidad del análisis histológico en el diagnóstico de la infección protésica; sin embargo, todavía hoy, su validez clínica es motivo de controversia. El objetivo del presente manuscrito es describir y analizar la validez clínica del análisis histológico en el diagnóstico de infección protésica en el paciente sometido a un recambio protésico de cadera o rodilla. Material y métodos: Se presenta un estudio retrospectivo que incluye 133 recambios protésicos de cadera y rodilla realizados en nuestro centro entre 2008 y 2020. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo, bivariado y se determinó la validez clínica del análisis histológico. Resultados: La validez clínica del análisis histológico ofreció una sensibilidad del 48%, una especificidad del 91%, un valor predictivo positivo del 55% y un valor predictivo negativo del 88%. Conclusiones: La determinación de la validez clínica del análisis histológico pone de manifiesto una especificidad elevada. Dicho análisis supone una herramienta diagnóstica apropiada para detectar pacientes sanos, con ausencia de infección.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Histologia , Infecções Relacionadas à Prótese/diagnóstico , Artroplastia de Quadril , Artroplastia do Joelho , Estudos Retrospectivos , Epidemiologia Descritiva
Cir. pediátr ; 36(1): 5-11, Ene. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-214573


Objetivos: Recientemente se han publicado recomendaciones para el manejo del reflujo gastroesofágico en pacientes con atresia de esófago (AE). Sin embargo, el momento de realización de algunas pruebas no está completamente aclarado. Esta investigación evalúa las pruebas para reflujo gastroesofágico en niños de 1 año y niños de 2-3 años. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes con AE sometidos a impedanciometría-phmetría (IMpH) y a endoscopia-histología. Los pacientes con 1 año en el momento de la prueba formaron el grupo MEN, y los pacientes con 2-3 años, el grupo MAY. Se consideró IMpH sustancialmente alterada aquella con un número total de reflujos >105 o >85 (según la edad), o un índice de reflujo >10%. La endoscopia se consideró sustancialmente alterada si presentaba esofagitis erosiva o esófago de Barrett. La histología se consideró sustancialmente alterada si presentaba esofagitis severa-moderada o esófago de Barrett. Se compararon los parámetros convencionales y los sustancialmente alterados. Resultados: Se estudiaron 24 pacientes. Se realizaron 23 IMpH (12 en el grupo MEN y 11 en el MAY); los porcentajes de los parámetros convencionales patológicos no fueron estadísticamente diferentes en ambos grupos. Se realizaron 20 endoscopias (7 en el grupo MEN y 13 en el MAY); los porcentajes de esofagitis no fueron estadísticamente diferentes. El 26,9% de todas las pruebas en el grupo MEN resultaron sustancialmente alteradas, frente al 10,8% en el MAY (χ2 = 2,7;p = 0,1). Conclusión: Teniendo en cuenta el porcentaje de resultados alarmantes en el grupo MEN, sería recomendable realizar una IMpH y una endoscopia con biopsias a los pacientes con AE a la edad de un año.(AU)

Objective: Recent guidelines made recommendations for the management of gastroesophageal reflux in patients with esophageal atresia (EA). However, the timing for some diagnostic tests remained somehow unclear. This investigation studied the tests for gastroesophageal reflux in children aged one year old and children aged two or three. Material and methods: Patients with EA who underwent Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance-pH monitoring (MII-pH) and endoscopy-histology were studied retrospectively. Patients aged one when the test was performed were the YO group and patients aged two or three years old formed the OL group. Substantially impaired MII-pH was defined as total number of reflux episodes >105 or >85 (depending on age), or reflux index >10%. Substantially impaired endoscopy was defined as erosive esophagitis or Barrett’s esophagus. Substantially impaired histology was defined as moderate-severe esophagitis or Barrett’s esophagus. Conventional parameters and substantially impaired values of the tests were compared. Results: Twenty-four patients were studied. Twenty-three MII-pH were performed (12 in YO and 11 in OL): percentages of abnormal conventional parameters of MII-pH were not significantly different in both groups. Twenty endoscopies with biopsies were performed (7 in YO and 13 in OL): percentages of esophagitis were not significantly different. Interestingly, 26.9% of all the tests performed in YO were substantially impaired vs. 10.8% of all the tests in OL (χ2 = 2.7; p = 0.1). Conclusion: Considering the percentage of alarming results of diagnostic tests in the YO group it would be advisable that patients with EA undergo MII-pH and endoscopy-histology at one year of age.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Pacientes , Refluxo Gastroesofágico , Atresia Esofágica , Histologia , Cirurgia Geral , Endoscopia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pediatria